There are four seasons in Tanzania. The Dry Season (June to October) is the most popular time of
year to visit Tanzania. Accommodation and flight prices peak, and you’ll get to experience the
Great Wildebeest Migration.
The Green Season (January to February). It’s Tanzania’s second high season and another fantastic
period to go on safari and see big cats action.
The Long Rain Season (March to May) is the best time to travel to Tanzania on a budget. You’ll
find cheap flights and lodges knocking off as much as 50% off their standard rates. The only
downside? The rains make some of the National Parks inaccessible.
The Short Rain Season (November to December) is a busy period despite the less-than-perfect
weather. Travelers flock here for the end-of-year holidays, and accommodation prices are high
from (20th December) of every year.